Friday, October 17, 2003

:) That is funny about the new VW Bug. Yes I am sure we transmit a lot and that children being very impressionable probably pick up a lot from us.

I do not like Pedro still much as I rooted for him yesterday. He's still a jerk. Taking responsibility does very little mitigating of that fact. Clemens and Pettitte would take responsibility for a poor start and Wells and Weaver wouldn't, but they are all losers to me. I do like Mussina and believe he ws justified when he said he only controlled 60. 5 feet. He pitched well that start, why should he be attacked. By the way, if not for the Moose, the Sox might have won last night.

I was pretty heart-broken about the game and I too felt Pedro should have been taken out. Does this mean I will have to listen two more times as Clemens is lauded as the finest pitcher and how that might be his final appearance? At the end I started thinking the Sox might win it still. Once Rivera had gone five I saw a huge advantage going to the sox if only they could get through the bottom of the 11th.

It was classy that NY fans(not known for class) cheered Clemens despite the situation they put them in.

Go Fish! I guess I was wrong at the beginning of the season for questioning the 10 mil they paid for I-Rod.


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