Tuesday, February 17, 2004

It was my pleasure to stumble upon an excellent site called Cosmic Baseball. The idea of this imaginary game fascinates me. I'd like to arrange a league. My thoughts on how to proceed go like this:

  1. Get friends interested in idea.

  2. Draft teams from all available sources.

  3. Each player's oeuvre provides grist for the action. Team A picks something (e.g., a quote) from his pitcher's works, and Team B (seeing or not seeing it, maybe seeing a few words of it?) chooses a counter-quote/whatever from his batter's repertoire.

  4. Judges decide how the quotes work against each other and assign an outcome that is averaged into the play. (Tricky, I know.)

  5. Everyone has fun. Minds are stimulated, tables broken in the excitement.

  6. Records are kept...

Will anyone out there come play with me???


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