"Let me tell you what's going to happen when they raise [taxes]. They're going to say, 'Oh, we got to raise it so we can pay down the deficit. Uh-uh. They're going to raise the taxes and increase the size of the federal government, which would be bad for the United States economy."
-George W. Bush
It makes me wonder whether he knows that the federal government has grown faster under his leadership then ever before. Since he's admitted getting his news from his advisors, pure of media bias, I'm starting to think he doesn't know what's going on under his nose. Or he's just a liar.
"The numbers tell the story. The average annual real increases in domestic discretionary spending were 2.0 percent under Jimmy Carter, minus 1.3 percent in the Reagan years, 4.0 percent with George H.W. Bush, 2.5 percent in the Clinton years, and 8.2 percent with George W. Bush."
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