I think I want to change that poem slightly. The title was too explanatory, and I removed a verse.
- Utah Valley Revisited
The rocky peak of Timpanogos rules
the valley (where each year more houses spread
in stuccoed testament to fruitful people).
Directions here are given not as right
& left, but east, west, north or south, because
Timp's rocky peak is there to anchor the way.
Generations ago my family came
put shoulder to the wheel & carved a home
both for now & for eternity to come.
Their gardens (grown from dust) were fed by faith;
their straight streets (sprung from a practical bent)
ran like a checkerboard north-south, east-west.
& all in all, they made a world in their
image. The flaming swords of seraphim
punished the idle, while work was rewarded.
But I turned my back on the mountain peak,
the harsh desert & works that raised fields there.
I left the enormity of my youth
& found a world where dew can drop with thunder.
Always gotta be cryptic huh? :)
I'm not sure what's crytic here, or whether you're being sarcastic. I'm not sure of too much. I am becoming more sure that this poem works for me, but lacks broader appeal. Maybe if fails through a lack of general knowledge of Utah Valley, early Utah history and Mormon Hymns. Oh well.
I was just commenting on your need to change the title just because it was too explanitory.
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