Thursday, November 20, 2003

Rememeber, Steve, I speak as someone raised in a church that demanded everything, but felt an outsider my whole life. So with my limited imagination I project the lack of "place" I had within that structure with the lack of "place" I had outside onto Matilda. So I slipped through the cracks & lived poorly in two worlds. No one should be split in two. So, Matilda is free to choose. She goes to our local Luthern Sunday School & believes in Jesus. What has worried me lately, though, is the wishy-washy stance I take is put up against the self-assured stance of the devout that fill her life. If she chooses as an adult (or close enough) to join a church I don't believe in, that will be her business. I just don't want her to be filled with propoganda at a young impressionable age until an actual choice isn't possible, or comes after much difficulty. I tend to remember my advice to a certain friend was, "if your heart tells you it's right, then you have to listen." That's true of everything in life.


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